Harnessing the Power of Omegas in Flaxseed.

Belmont Health Foods recognizes the proven immune-support benefits of flaxseed & is committed to bringing a nutrient dense, high quality flaxseed from its origins in Canada direct to your home. Our roasted flaxseed contains the highest density of omegas 3 & 6 (in the correct ration 4:1) in the plant world. Full of nutritional goodness, flaxseed has been cultivated since 3,000 BC.
Why use ROASTED flaxseed?
Roasting the flaxseed maintains the omega content & conserves the rich nutty flavour of the seed that tastes so good. Roasting also ensures that the important fibrous outer shell is available & reduces the risk of pathogens. Roasted flaxseed & its proven health benefits can be enjoyed by everyone in your family. 100% pure, this wholefood can be added to your daily diet & that of your animals to manage inflammation (generally associated with ageing in mammals & specific to chronic diseases such as cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal & skin issues).
Roasted flaxseed is a VERSATILE & HIGH QUALITY ingredient.
You can benefit from adding it to your daily diet by:
• Sprinkling over your hot or cold breakfast cereal
• Mixing into your favorite yogurt or smoothie
• Adding them into cookies, muffins, bread or other batters
• Incorporating into meat patties or sauces
• Sprinkling over salads to add ‘crunch’ as well as nutrition